We will always do our best to make every individual feel welcomed into the clan.
Here are a our clan rules which must be followed at all times, otherwise action will be taken to accordingly, this could lead to dismissal of the clan.

1.Be respectful to other members - we do not tollerate any bullying or hate speech to other members, for example any phobic language directed at any other member will be dismissed from the clan.

2.Scamming - this is a big no in mostly any clan you see and this also includes KOTRT. If you are to scam in any way you will not only be dismissed from the clan but you will also be reported to runewatch, this could lead to prevention of gameplay as a consquence and a loss of loyal people on top of that aswell.

3. Begging - this is also a no from us as this is just irritating and a nucense to other players and can lead to harrasment. If you are caught begging and it gets out of hand you will be dismissed from the clan. If you need gp just play the game like everyone else.

4.Loot drops in events - when carrying out any sort of clan event all loot is split upon recieving a drop by whoever attends these events, unless this is specified with in the clan event rules for that event. Anyone breaking this rule will be dismissed from the clan and reported to runewatch as this is also a form of scamming other players.